Featured Artist: Reut Dafna
“Trampoline”, 2018, 150 cm x 170 cm, Charcoal on paper
"My son jumped on the trampoline in the yard and lay down to rest for a moment and fell asleep. The serenity and calmness on his soft face, combined with the bright sunlight, created an image that had to become a huge drawing. Working on the hair took nearly two months; it was done in many layers of Nitram Charcoal Powder drawing using brushes and erasing with a special thin eraser. I wanted to preserve the purity of the white paper and allow the figure to dissipate into the background.
Drawing with Nitram charcoal is a technique that demands patience, attention, accuracy, and persistence. The base of the drawing is formed with pencil sketches, following which commences a process of slow and gentle brushing. Many additional layers are added, using brushes dipped in dry charcoal powder. This technique allows me to gradually fill large surface areas, which facilitates the transition of smooth shades and different textures. Stage by stage, the subjects acquire depth, creating the illusion of bursting through the paper and coming to life.
Working with Nitram charcoal is an incredibly rewarding experience for me as an artist. I'm constantly in awe of its versatility, it erases cleanly and feels so comfortable in my hand. But what truly sets Nitram charcoal apart is its brilliant blending capabilities. I can achieve seamless tonal transitions and gradients. The soft charcoal is my personal favorite for the way it lays down such a luxurious, velvety finish.
One of the most unique aspects is how easily this charcoal can be sharpened into a fine powder. Using a brush, I can then create broad, sweeping areas of even tone. Blending between shades becomes absolutely effortless, giving my pieces a wonderful sense of atmosphere."
~ Reut Dafna

Reut Dafna, a painter and resident of Kibbutz Maoz Haim, is set against the backdrop of the lush Emek HaMa’ayanot in Israel’s north. A graduate of the Tel-Hai Arts Institute in Israel, where she studied Fine Art, Reut holds a Bachelor's degree from The Arts Institute of Tel-Hai College. She studied advanced drawing with the artist Avinoam Kosowsky in Tel Aviv and also with Elie Shamir. Reut specializes in the unique technique of drawing with powdered charcoal.
“I draw my inspiration mainly from those who surround me in daily life. I enjoy deep contemplation as I consider people from different perspectives, as well as the ability to capture certain moments that remain suspended in time.”
Instagram: @reutdafna
Website: www.reutdafna.com