I have been accused of buying Nitram simply to indulge my penchant of fine food. I strongly deny this.
As I write this little piece I am nourishing my weary body (after a hard days work) with a simple meal of a fresh baguette, room temperature Lanquettot Camembert, Belgian Endive with a Balsamic, Dijon Mustard and Virgin Olive Oil Dressing washed down with a 2008 Ropiteau Rully Chardonnay. It is hard work to keep the cheese off the keyboard.
So this morning I met Daniel bright and early. We greeted each other in International diplomatic fashion - he greeted me French - I greeted him in English or it might have been the other way around. We were happy to see each other on this sunny early printemps day. The oiseaux were singing and the jonquilles were just starting to bloom. The morning's work schedule was light. We were done by 10:30am. OK so we did a little more to tie us over to lunch.
We head over to La Petit Auberge in Champlost and there we greet my "mon amour de cuisine" Natalie. Lots of hugs and kisses and soon the conversation turns serious. Daniel and Natalie discuss dejeunere. I hear jambon, this is good, I hear Lentils, this is not good. Natalie laughs and remembers that I do not like Lentils and they do not like me. Since this is my first day back an "aperatif" is in order. Kir! (a white wine and Cassis cocktail) Apparently some Cardinal named Richeleau liked this. I say let's all find a little happiness wherever we can.
Natalie brings the Kir.

Very nice.
I see why some people like to be Cardinals.
Quickly a Terrine appears to titiller le palate.

PS - The last pic is where I am staying.
A modest little Moulin in a modest little ville.
Au Revoir.