*Bronze Head of Roman Emperor Claudius - British Museum
My first car, that I actually purchased, was a brand new1970 Toyota Corolla Coupe. 4 speed manual transmission, bucket seats, sporty little thing. A poor man's babe magnet!
Loved the car, except for one small thing -
when it rained - it stalled.
To my increasing frustration this happened many times.
I went to the dealership and their solution was that I purchase this rubber nipple looking thing to put on the distributor cap.
I was furious - accusing the Japanese designers of
creating a car for the Sahara Desert!
I bit the bullet and purchased the rubber nipple looking thing.
Several weeks later, I am driving in the rain
and the car stalls - AGAIN!
Now I am really pissed!
I walk, through the rain to the nearest Toyota dealership
and deliver a blue streak of invectives about the car.
They tow the car in. Do the inspection and deliver the news.
I had run out of gas.
I was exasperated at my own stupidity.
I still blamed them for setting me up with the
stalling in the rain rubber nipple looking thing solution!
So let's fast forward to today.
I am trying to log into my iCloud account.
My password keeps getting rejected.
I try all my passwords and none of them work.
Exasperated, I get Pat to come over and take a look
at the effing thing!
She takes a look and the delivers the news.
I had spelled my account login as iClod.
Somehow, it just seemed fitting...
Those who cannot learn from history
are doomed to repeat it.
Jerzy Niedojadlo