Every artist knows the importance
of stepping back from their work
Magda Almy on the New Nitram bâton
"Ever since I read that John Singer Sargent drew with a paint brush attached to the end of a stick, I wanted to try a drawing implement with a longer handle.
Every artist knows the importance of stepping back from their work. The Nitram bâton allows me to draw while making observations from a distance, effectively improving accuracy and speed without shifting perspective.
A longer handle calls for a light hand and a more fluid stroke, which keeps the focus on larger shapes and contour rhythms, right where it needs to be. I highly recommend it as a tool for artists who need to learn how to properly handle their materials in the beginning stages of a drawing.”
- Magda Almy, Ravenswood Atelier

Award winning artist, Magdalena Almy, graduated from the American Academy of Art in Chicago with a BFA. She studied at the Florence Academy of Art where she became an assistant instructor and taught a summer program. Magdalena returned to Chicago after her three years at FAA and co-founded the Ravenswood Atelier where she now works and teaches. The Nitram bâton is a unique charcoal drawing device, designed to hold the new Nitram Mignonette - a thin 4mm charcoal stick. For more information on the Nitram bâton, please visit: http://nitramcharcoal.com/nitrams-new-drawing-device
To puchase the Nitram bâton and Nitram Mignonette, please visit: www.nitramcharcoal.com/baton