Nitram and The Art Museum of Los Gatos

I received a letter from a talented Nitram user, John Peck, that recently had his work showcased at the Art Museum of Los Gatos.

Below is John's letter and work:

Dear Jerzy,

Delighted to be using your Nitram charcoal and wanted to share some recent exposure of your product.

We just finished this show on portraiture at the Art Museum of Los Gatos - my colleagues and I all trained at the Florance Academy of Art... Displayed your charcoal sticks along with our painting material in this educational exhibit.

Please keep manufacturing!

Sincerely, John Peck

John Peck - Art Museum of Los Gatos
Here is the excerpt from the posters displayed around the show.



Throughout this exhibit you'll find a number of charcoal drawings. The type of charcoal used is important - and most traditionally-trained artists prefer a soft, vine charcoal because of its application and flexibility. The handling of this simple, yet refined drawing tool is similar to painting. Manufacturers such as Nitram (France) have produced fine charcoal for years. Three grades, H (hard) HB (medium) and B (soft) are used in most preliminary drawings.

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