When designing our new offices for Nitram I wanted to include a space dedicated to "doing and learning" art.
We finished the renovations recently and had our first life drawing class on Thursday, March 31, 2016.
The session started with some quick sketches to loosen up.
As one of the most grueling components of art school today, life drawing courses rank high in difficulty due to their demands for rigorous technique and exacting detail. Though challenging, life drawing is equally crucial to an artist's development as it proves the crux for many artists' future success. It is also one of the most longstanding aspects of an artist's training, with roots that reach far back into the ancient world.
Garth Laidlaw, animator and illustrator, challenges artists to use Nitram Charcoal to remove themselves from their screen and recognize the benefits of charcoal figure drawings.
Virtually all public spaces conducive to drawing from life remained off-limits to unchaperoned women of the upper class, who alone possessed sufficient wealth and leisure to allow for artistic pursuits.