Enjoy this new video of contemporary figurative painter Marco Campos using Nitram Fusain Aquarelle in his painting "Peaceful Thoughts".
Video Cre...
Video Credit: Signus Publishing, Thomas Graveleau, Nitram
Music: Gnosienne by
Eric Satie performed by Neil Cross
Artist Instagram:
Videos courtesy of Grace Worley Artist's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/graceworley.artArtist's Website: https://www.graceworley.com
Check out this live portrait demonstration using the Nitram Starter Kit by art professor Yong Chen.
Art: “Back from the Brink”, 2022, by Miriam Innes on display at the Oceans by Meriton Miriam's Website: https://www.miriaminnes.com/Miriam's Fine...
Art: “Skull and Book” by Emmanuelle Capatos, 29 cm x 38 cm, Charcoal and chalk on Arches paper, hand-toned with shellac and pigment. Artist's Inst...
Nicholas Beer working on “Drawing of Kit”, Nitram Charcoal on Fabriano Roma Paper, 66 cm x 48 cm
“I have b...
Art: “Adi Yogi” by Arindam Gupta, 34 inches x 39 inches, Nitram Fine Art Charcoal on 300gsm paper Artist's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ar...
Watch as Jose Beteta creates this powerful portrait using a variety of Nitram products.
Art: “Portrait for Misha Dubiaha”, 100 cm x 70 cm, Charcoa...
Moha-Mod by Arindam Gupta, 20" x 26", Nitram Charcoal & Nitram Liquid Charcoal
Sweet Prava, 20" x 26"
"MONA the autistic girl", Nitram Liqui...
Nitram is honoured to be mentioned in @edithdormandy’s list of top fave art supplies, in episode 140 of “Art Supply Posse” podcast.
Episode: htt...
Watch as portraiture and still-life artist Shuchi Muley creates a stunning charcoal portrait of her daughter using the new Nitram Bâton 2.0.
Art &a...
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